Release date: 2019-05-23

Earlier bug fixes have already been applied in the previous release.

Below is the list of all available bug fixes and improvements for this release.

To activate those changes, you need a Fortran compiler (specified with the environment variable "F_VERS") and the Make utiltiy. To ensure that the Makefile containing all dependencies of the source files is up-to-date you should run '$X/EXE/ -r $C' ('perl %X%\EXE\ -r %C%' on Windows) previously.
A detailed description for the compilation can be found on the INSTALL.TXT file on the distribution CD-ROM or on your $X/DOC (%X%\DOC on Windows) directory.

If you run into a problem, please contact us.

B_98: Bug

Date: 17-Jul-2019

Description: Correct writing of a precise file if more than 100 satellites are contained

Affected platforms: All platforms

Correction: Download the modified version of RDPREH.f and WTPREH.f to the program directory $LG (%LG% on Windows) and compile the programs using 'CBERN ALL' ('perl %X%\EXE\ ALL' on Windows).

Download to $LG (%LG%): RDPREH.f WTPREH.f

B_99: Improvement

Date: 16-Aug-2019

Description: Accept GPS Block IIIA observation data for ambiguity resolution (when using the SIGMA and QIF strategy, respectively).

Affected platforms: All platforms

Correction: Download the modified version of ARSTR3.f and ARSTR4.f to the library directory $LG (%LG% on Windows) and compile the program GPSEST using 'CBERN GPSEST' ('perl %X%\EXE\ GPSEST' on Windows).

Download to $LG (%LG%): ARSTR3.f ARSTR4.f

Files updated on 29.10.2019

B_100: Improvement

Date: 22-Jan-2020

Description: Use a new IGRF13-release to compute the HOI corrections.

Affected platforms: All platforms

Correction: Download the modified version of IONOSP2.f90 and new IGRF13SYN.f to the lib. directory $LG (%LG% on Windows) and compile the programs using 'CBERN ALL' ('perl %X%\EXE\ ALL' on Windows).

Download to $LG (%LG%): IONOSP2.f90 IGRF13SYN.f


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