Release date: 2018-02-28

Earlier bug fixes have already been applied in the previous release.

Below is the list of all available bug fixes and improvements for this release.

To activate those changes, you need a Fortran compiler (specified with the environment variable "F_VERS") and the Make utiltiy. To ensure that the Makefile containing all dependencies of the source files is up-to-date you should run '$X/EXE/ -r $C' ('perl %X%\EXE\ -r %C%' on Windows) previously.
A detailed description for the compilation can be found on the INSTALL.TXT file on the distribution CD-ROM or on your $X/DOC (%X%\DOC on Windows) directory.

If you run into a problem, please contact us.

B_91: Bug

Date: 17-Apr-2018

Description: signals use of deprecated feature in regex.(see *.LOG files in the campaign's BPE directory). This will lead to an error if newest perl version is used (perl 5.26).

Affected platforms: All platforms

Correction: Download the corrected to $C/BPE (%C%\BPE on windows).

Download to $C/BPE (%C%\BPE):

B_92: Bug

Date: 8-May-2018

Description: The action of GPSEST in case of missing satellite/receiver clocks in the apriori clk file is not in all cases correctly reported in the output file - this is only a comment problem.

Affected platforms: All platforms

Correction: Download the modified version of PRIREC.f to the library directory $LG (%LG% on Windows) and compile the program GPSEST using 'CBERN GPSEST' ('perl %X%\EXE\ GPSEST' on Windows).

Download to $LG (%LG%): PRIREC.f

B_93: Improvement

Date: 05-Jul-2018

Description: Added support for RINEX v3.03

Affected platforms: All platforms

Correction: Download the modified versions of $I/D_RINEX3.f90 (%I%\D_RINEX3.f90) and $LG/RNXSTAT.f90 (%LG%\RNXSTAT.f90) to their directories and compile the programs RNXSMT using RNXSMT

Download to $I (%I%): D_RINEX3.f90
Download to $LG (%LG%): RNXSTAT.f90

B_94: Improvement

Date: 21-Jan-2019

Description: Support of 0.5 degree zenit intervals in ANTEX file.

Affected platforms: All platforms

Correction: Download the modified version of RDATXANT.f90 to the program directory $LG (%LG% on Windows) and compile it using 'CBERN ATX2PCV' ('perl %X%\EXE\ ATX2PCV' on Windows).

Download to $LG (%LG%): RDATXANT.f90

B_95: Bug

Date: 07-Feb-2019

Description: Bugfix regarding observable selection in RNXSMT when using an observation selection priority file for GLONASS.

Affected platforms: All platforms

Correction: Download the modified version of D_RINEX3.f90 to the include directory $I (%I% on Windows) and DCBSTORE.f90, GOBSDEF.f90, NEQPRT.f90, and R2RDOH.f to the library directory $LG (%LG% on Windows).

Download to $I (%I%): D_RINEX3.f90
Download to $LG (%LG%) : DCBSTORE.f90 GOBSDEF.f90 NEQPRT.f90 R2RDOH.f

B_96: Improvement

Date: 26-Feb-2019

Description: Support of time windows for receiver antenna calibrations in the ANTEX format and only individual antenna calibrations which are stated in the station information file will be included in the bernese phase center variation file. Support of VALID FROM/UNTIL entry in the ANTEX format for receiver antenna calibrations. In order to use time windows for receiver antenna calibrations they have to be consistent with the station information file. The time windows in the ANTEX entries and those in the station information file have to correspond to each other. Please note that you need to assign different internal bernese numbers for the two different calibrations:

STATION NAME          FLG          FROM                   TO         RECEIVER TYPE         RECEIVER SERIAL NBR   REC #   ANTENNA TYPE          ANTENNA SERIAL NBR    ANT #    ? 
****************      ***  YYYY MM DD HH MM SS  YYYY MM DD HH MM SS  ********************  ********************  ******  ********************  ********************  ******   ? 
ZIM2 14001M008        001                       2009 05 11 23 59 59  TRIMBLE NETR5                               999999  TRM55971.00     NONE  18066                  18066   ? 
ZIM2 14001M008        001  2009 05 12 00 00 00  2017 12 31 23 59 59  TRIMBLE NETR5                               999999  TRM59800.00     NONE  60369                  60369   ? 
ZIM2 14001M008        001  2018 01 01 00 00 00                       TRIMBLE NETR5                               999999  TRM59800.00     NONE  60369                 160369   ? 

ANTEX Entry: 1. One entry with a VALID UNTIL line (2017 12 31 23 59 59) 2. One entry with a VALID FROM line (2018 01 01 00 00 00)

Affected platforms: All platforms

Correction: Download the modified version of ATX2PCV.f90 to the program directory $FG (%FG% on Windows) and ANTCHK.f90 to the library directory $LG (%LG% on Windows). Compile it using 'CBERN ATX2PCV' ('perl %X%\EXE\ ATX2PCV' on Windows).

Download to $LG (%LG%): ANTCHK.f90
Download to $FG (%FG%): ATX2PCV.f90

B_97: Bug

Date: 26-Feb-2019

Description: Bugfix concerning starting epoch after midnight in CCRNXC

Affected platforms: All platforms

Correction: Download the modified version of CCRNXC.f90 to the program directory $FG (%FG% on Windows) and compile it using 'CBERN CCRNXC' ('perl %X%\EXE\ CCRNXC' on Windows).

Download to $FG (%FG%): CCRNXC.f90


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