Release date: 2012-12-14

Earlier bug fixes have already been applied in the previous release.

Below is the list of all available bug fixes and improvements for this release.

To activate those changes, you need a Fortran compiler (specified with the environment variable "F_VERS") and the Make utiltiy. To ensure that the Makefile containing all dependencies of the source files is up-to-date you should run '$X/EXE/ -r $C' ('perl %X%\EXE\ -r %C%' on Windows) previously.
A detailed description for the compilation can be found on the INSTALL.TXT file on the distribution CD-ROM or on your $X/DOC (%X%\DOC on Windows) directory.

If you run into a problem, please contact us.

B_001: Bug

Date: 14-Jan-2013

Description: Station information (.STA) files could not be displayed by the Menu correctly (Menu >Campaign >Edit station files >Station information file).

Affected platforms: All platforms

B_002: Bug

Date: 14-Feb-2013

Description: Bugfix for selection of satellite systems in program RXOBV3.

Affected platforms: All platforms

B_003: Bug

Date: 14-Feb-2013

Description: The flag M for satellites eclipsing by the Moon in the OBGEN summary file for IGS-ACC was not printed correctly.

Affected platforms: All platforms

B_004: Bug

Date: 14-Feb-2013

Description: Changing the BPE Variable STAINF in the PPP PCFs and the variable CRXINF in the PPP, CLKDET and RNX2SNX PCFs did not have an influence on the ???_COP scripts.

Affected platforms: All platforms

B_005: Improvement

Date: 28-Feb-2013

Description: Revised (misleading) warning/error message concerning different geodetic dates.

Affected platforms: All platforms

B_006: Bug

Date: 28-Feb-2013

Description: RNXSMT for GLONASS frequency channel estimation: If there are only less observations available for a satellite than needed to obtain a valid satellite arc for data screening a wrong "estimated" frequency number is reported. With this correction it is indicated with "--" sign that the program was not able to estimate the frequency channel.

Affected platforms: All platforms

B_007: Bug

Date: 06-Mar-2013

Description: Since 25th February the satellite problem file contains negative GLONASS satellite number for a repositioning event (GLONASS-K1 as R26). This requires a new format for updating the satellite problem file using the program RESCHK.

Affected platforms: All platforms

B_008: Bug

Date: 19-Mar-2013

Description: Disregarding the serial numbers of the receiver or antenna from the input SINEX file using SNX2STA did not remove the corresponding entries from the output station information file.

Affected platforms: All platforms

B_009: Bug

Date: 03-May-2013

Description: SATMRK may crash by using single frequency files.

Affected platforms: All platforms

B_010: Bug

Date: 07-May-2013

Description: The constraining of pre-eliminated station coordinate parameters was not correct.

Affected platforms: All platforms

B_011: Bug

Date: 06-Jun-2013

Description: The CHKMAX message may display the wrong module where a parameter is defined.

Affected platforms: All platforms

B_012: Bug

Date: 06-Jun-2013

Description: STDDEV values are not provided in troposphere-SINEX (TRO) in case of unavailable (or deleted) troposphere gradient parameters (when using ADDNEQ2).

Affected platforms: All platforms

B_013: Bug

Date: 14-Jun-2013

Description: Files are not deleted by user scripts in the BPE.

Affected platforms: All platforms

Remarks: We are grateful to Marcelino Valdes and Jose A. Sanchez Sobrino from Madrid, Spain for pointing us to this problem.

B_014: Bug

Date: 24-Jun-2013

Description: The RINEX files have not been closed immediately after reading.

Affected platforms: All platforms

B_015: Bug

Date: 25-Jun-2013

Description: The program SNGDIF crashed if a specified cluster definition file does not exist.

Affected platforms: All platforms

B_016: Bug

Date: 26-Jun-2013

Description: In the example BPE RNX2SNX, the program RESCHK, called by the user script RES_SUM (PID 331) has the following wrong input option: On panel 2 the option 'Difference level of residuals in summary' should be set to SINGLE instead of ZERO.

Affected platforms: All platforms

Correction: Change the above described option: Menu > BPE > Edit PCF program input file, select RNX2SNX.PCF and "331 RES_SUM R2S_GEN RESCHK.INP".

Download to $X/OPT/R2S_GEN (%X%\OPT\R2S_GEN): RESCHK.INP

B_017: Bug

Date: 04-Jul-2013

Description: The example BPE RNX2SNX stops in some cases by preparing to resolve ambiguities directly in L1 and L2 with short baselines by the message "Empty list of parallel scripts".

Affected platforms: All platforms

Remarks: This fix affects the menu and is primarily intended for UNIX/Linux users who have a suitable C++ compiler. For Windows users without a C++ compiler, the change will be active on next release.

B_018: Bug

Date: 05-Jul-2013

Description: Improper behavior of ADDNEQ2 when a WGT file is used as input. The problem occurs when trying to transform apriori coordinates from NEQ file using Helmert parameters from a WGT file and the scale parameter is not being used for the transformation (flag '0').

Affected platforms: All platforms

Remarks: We are grateful to Tomasz Liwosz from the Warsaw University of Technology for pointing us to this problem and for providing his solution.

B_019: Bug

Date: 17-Jul-2013

Description: Several improvements and bug-fixes for advanced usage of ATX2PCV.

Affected platforms: All platforms

B_020: Bug

Date: 17-Jul-2013

Description: Wrong clock RINEX result file for station clock corrections if parameters have not been pre-eliminated epoch-wise (default setting) in GPSEST.

Affected platforms: All platforms

B_021: Bug

Date: 17-Jul-2013

Description: Diverse improvements and corrections when estimating receiver and satellite clock corrections in ADDNEQ2.

Affected platforms: All platforms

B_022: Improvement

Date: 17-Jul-2013

Description: Process each baseline only once with the ambiguity resolution strategy appropriate to its length.

Affected platforms: All platforms

B_023: Improvement

Date: 17-Jul-2013

Description: Keep the cluster files from the final GPSEST-run in the campaign after processing a session/day.

Affected platforms: All platforms

B_024: Improvement

Date: 17-Jul-2013

Description: Cosmetics for some input panels.

Affected platforms: All platforms

B_025: Bug

Date: 17-Jul-2013

Description: Occasional GPSEST may crash if satellites are not in the orbit but in the observation files (with all measurements marked).

Affected platforms: All platforms

Remarks: We are grateful to Laura Sanchez from Munich, Germany for pointing us to this problem.


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