Bugs, errors, and improvements, Bernese Version 5.4

For Version 5.2, use the Quick Link to the left.
** Do not attempt to apply Bug fixes for V5.4 to your V5.2 software, it will break the software!**

Individual bug fixes and improvements are published for each release at:

>2022-10-23 >2023-10-16

Your current release level can be found at "Help >About"

The latest release date is "2023-10-16". If you have an older release date we strongly recommend to update your software by applying an update file as described in the section "Update procedure" below.

If you find a bug, please send us a bug report describing the error and how to reproduce it. Provide details on your operating system and your compiler (name, version, build) and all relevant information that could help identifying the problem.

Update procedure

Individual bug fixes and improvements are published on the support pages for each release. You can apply these fixes individually following the instructions given for each bug fix/improvement.
From time to time, a new release is created and update files for earlier releases are made available. This allows to update previous releases to the latest level by applying one single update file instead of having to apply all individual fixes of earlier releases.

To update your release, use the script configure.pm (all platforms!) in ${EXE} (%EXE% on Windows). To start, type perl configure.pm in a command prompt. Select option Install online updates and follow the instructions.

The script checks the availability of an update for your release. If wget is installed, it downloads the corresponding update file. Otherwise, it informs you how to download the update file manually.
You can select the download directory to avoid overwriting your own changes.
Follow instructions by the script for further steps to bring your version up to date. For windows users: executables can also be downloaded from the update page.
In order to fully use the script's functionality, a suitable tool to extract compressed archives (on UNIX/Linux: tar and gzip, on windows: either unzip (port of UNIX' gzip), 7-zip, or wzunzip should be available.

For the latest release version there are no update files available, but only the individual bug fixes to be installed manually.
Detailed instructions on how to update your version can be found in the document README_UPDATE.TXT in ${DOC} (UNIX) or %DOC% (Windows) or under Help->Readme.

The update files for all releases can be found on www.bernese.unibe.ch/UPDATE54

Software tests

Before delivering Version 5.4 of the Bernese GNSS Software, the example BPEs have been tested on several platforms/systems using various Fortran compilers. For all these tests, equivalent results were obtained. The minor differences observed can be explained by the different numbers of digits supported by the compilers themselves or the different realizations of the formatted writing of real numbers.

Further details on the versions of the compilers and operating systems are provided in the list of compilers.

Compiler support

Bernese is distributed in source code. Apart from Windows where the executables are also delivered, all users will have to compile the software on their machines. Compilation of individual routines/programs is also necessary to implement some of the bug corrections (see "Bugs, errors, and improvements").

The Bernese is configured to support a variety of Fortran compilers. The list of supported compilers informs you whether your compiler was successfully used for the compilation of the Bernese GNSS Software and, if this is case, provides detailed information on the options used.

If you are successfully using a compiler which is not mentioned in this list, please contact us, so that all Bernese users can benefit from your effort.

Bernese Mailing List (BSW Mail)

Users of the software can subscribe to the Bernese Mailing List, also called "BSW Mail". The Bernese team uses this list for important announcements affecting all users.

As a subscribed user, you may of course also submit messages to the list, and thus benefit from the experience of other Bernese users.

Subscribers (including the Bernese team) are not required to answer posts to the mailing list. Therefore, support requests should always be addressed directly to the Bernese support and not to the mailing list.

Please contact the BSW Mail administrator if you want to subscribe to the list or unsubscribe from it, if your e-mail address has changed, or have any other comments or questions regarding the mailing list.

The index file of the BSW Mail archive gives you access to all messages posted since the creation of the list.