Bernese.gif Bernese GNSS Software

The 5-day Bernese Introductory Course was held
from August 26 to August 30, 2013

Image of BSW course participants
Participants of the August 2013 Bernese Introductory Course.

Participants came from the following countries and institutions

Austria University of Graz, Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change, Graz
Bulgaria Military Geographic Service, Sofia
China Center for Geodetic data processing, State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping, Xi'an
Denmark Danish Geodata Agency, Copenhagen NV
Germany Institute of Engineering Geodesy, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart
Germany SpaceTech GmbH, Immenstaad
Indonesia Meteorological Climatological and Geophysical Agency, Jakarta Pusat
Japan Nippo Co., Ltd., Kawasaki
Mongolia Administration of Land affairs, Geodesy and Cartography, Ulaanbaatar
Russia Central Research Institute of Geodesy, Air Survey and Cartography (TsNIIGAiK), Moscow
Russia VNIIFTRI, Moscow
South Korea Pusan National University, Busan
Sultanate of Oman Ministry of Transport & Communication Civil Aviation Affairs, (DGMAN), Muscat
Switzerland Haute Ecole d'ingénierie et de Gestion du Canton de Vaud, Yverdon-les-Bains
Switzerland Skyguide swiss air navigation services ltd., Genève
Taiwan National Taipei University, New Taipei City

Pictures from the lecture room

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Pictures from the terminal room

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Pictures from the dinner in Le Mazot

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Bernese course page